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Resources for PhDs

ASH is committed to supporting the participation of basic science-trained investigators in hematologic research and in promoting their participation in the Society’s activities. Below, please find resources, awards, and opportunities for committee and leadership positions for basic scientists involved in hematology-focused research.

The virtual series, ASH Journal Club, highlights seminal papers in hematology published in the Blood journals and features a manuscript author as part of the engagement.

Job Center

Take the next step on your career path - find the job that fits your skills and goals. Sign in or create a free account to post your resume and save job listings of interest.

Connect to thousands of qualified hematology and hematology-oncology professionals through the ASH Job Center, the top online search result for hematology jobs. Sign in to explore options to post your listing.

Review frequently asked questions about how the ASH Job Center can help you as a job seeker or an employeer.

Research and Resources

The ASH Journal Club discusses seminal papers in hematology published in or , and features a manuscript author  as part of the engagement.

Agenda for Hematology Research
The ASH Agenda for Hematology Research serves as a roadmap for the prioritization of research support across the hematology community, including recommendations for dedicated resources from funding agencies and foundations that will equip researchers today and in the future to make truly practice-changing discoveries.

COVID-19 Research Agenda for Hematology
Developed in response to the emergence of hematologic complications from COVID-19 infection, this agenda addresses fundamental questions of critical importance to researchers, physicians, and patients.

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