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Standing Committees

DEI Programs Subcommittee

Committee Roster

Deepika  S. Darbari, MBBS, MS  ('25)

Vice Chair
Blachy  J. Davila Saldana, MD  ('25)

Appointed Members
Diego  A Adrianzen Herrera, MD, MSc  ('25)
Marcos de Lima, MD  ('25)
Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld, MD  ('24)
Richard  O. Francis, MD, PhD  ('25)
Kalpna Gupta, PhD  ('25)
Nada Hamad, MBBS, MSc, BSc  ('25)
Monique Hartley-Brown, MD  ('25)
Anjlee Mahajan, MD  ('25)
Ajay Major, MD, MBA  ('25)
Sarwish Rafiq, PhD  ('25)
Brooke Sadler, PhD  ('25)
Thomas  K. Schulz, MD  ('25)
Noha Soror, MD, MSc  ('24)
Mamie  Myo Thant, MD, MS  ('25)
Georgia  B. Vogelsang, MD  ('25)

Oladipo Cole, MD, MBA  ('24)  - Trainee Council

Staff Liaison

Committee Mandate

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Committee on DEI, ensures execution of efforts in support of the ASH DEI strategy:


·         Implementing activities that advance approaches delineated in the ASH DEI statement:

·         Collaborating with the MRI Program Subcommittee to inspire, recruit, and support researchers and clinicians from diverse backgrounds to pursue and succeed in careers in hematology and related fields.

·         Collaborating with the Nominating Committee to engage members with diverse perspectives, talents, and experiences in ASH leadership and volunteer positions.

·         Advocating for policies and supporting programs that aim to eliminate health disparities in the care of hematology patients. In this regard, the subcommittee:

o   seeks to dismantle systemic and interpersonal racism within the hematology practice and field.

o   takes actions to acknowledge, address, and create accountability for dismantling the racism that permeates individuals, institutions, and societies.

o   examines the need for and explores the development of educational resources to help ASH members combat racism in their day-to-day practices as clinicians, researchers, and educators.

·         Measuring the impact of ASH DEI efforts and determining a mechanism to report progress annually to the ASH membership.

·         Developing proposals for new programs that further the efforts of ASH as it relates to DEI in the field hematology.

·         Identifying subject matter experts (SME) for ASH programs and DEI resources to respond to requests from committees and staff.

·         Developing approaches for engaging with a variety of communities within ASH.

·         Developing plans for recognizing and celebrating historically excluded and disadvantaged communities during months designated for this purpose.

·         Collaborating with the MRI Program Subcommittee on developing content for the ASH DEI webpage.


The membership of the DEI Programs Subcommittee includes:


  • Chair (recommended by Chair of Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
  • Vice Chair (a current member of the subcommittee nominated by Chair of Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
  • Liaison member from Trainee Council for term congruent to service on parent committee
  • At least eight additional members who have a passion for and expertise in DEI work, at least one of whom holds a PhD

Members of the DEI Programs Subcommittee (including the chair) serve four-year, staggered terms (unless otherwise indicated) with the option for renewal. Members are required to participate in conference calls and communicate via email as necessary.
