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Cancer Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations Align with ASH's Priorities

The Cancer Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel recently released a highlighting 10 key research opportunities that should be supported by the Cancer Moonshot initiative to accelerate progress against cancer. ASH submitted to the Panel in response to the National Cancer Institute’s request for information on high priority areas that should be supported by this initiative. The Society’s suggestions were based on the ASH Agenda for Hematology Research and ASH’s Recommendations to the Moonshot Initiative. Although the Panel’s report features high priority research areas that could be relevant to multiple disease areas, ASH is pleased to see that several of its recommendations are in alignment with Priorities in hematology research. These include:

  • Development of proper infrastructure for data sharing,
  • Robust clinical trials for pediatric hematologic malignancies,
  • Development of national clinical trial networks,
  • Leveraging novel therapeutic approaches such as immunotherapies for the treatment hematologic malignancies,
  • Advancing research on hematologic tumor development and progression.

Hematologists are among the pioneers of biomedical research, and hematologic diseases provide a unique model for studying the precancerous and cancerous diseases that are the focus of the Cancer Moonshot. The Society looks forward to working with federal agencies on the important priority areas highlighted by the panel.
