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Urge Your Senators and Representatives to Support the Cancer Drug Parity Act

Legislation has been reintroduced in Congress that would ensure that patients enrolled in certain federally regulated health plans have access and insurance coverage for all anti-cancer regimens. The Cancer Drug Parity Act (/) would require any health plan that provides coverage for cancer chemotherapy treatment to provide coverage for orally administered and self-injectable anticancer medications at a cost no less favorable than the cost of IV, port administered, or injected anticancer medications.

It's important for your elected officials to cosponsor this bill in order for it to be considered by the full Senate. Please take a moment to send an email to your Senators and Representative by filling out the form below. You are encouraged to personalize the letters as much as possible by providing examples of how the cost of oral or self-administered chemotherapy drugs has impacted you or your patients.

If you have any questions, please contact ASH Senior Manager, Legislative Advocacy, Tracy Roades at [email protected].