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ASH Bridge Grant Frequently Asked Questions


ASH members in good standing (at the time of application and throughout the application review and award period) who have submitted a hematology-related R01 (or equivalent) application to the NIH in the past 18 months as of the application deadline that was scored and not funded are eligible for an ASH Bridge Grant. View full eligibility requirements.

Any ASH International member who has submitted an NIH R01 within 18 months of the application due date and meets other eligibility criteria is eligible for this award. There are no exclusions due to geography.

No. Only R01s on which the Bridge Grant applicant played a principal investigator (PI) or co-PI role can serve as the underlying R01 for the Bridge Grant application.


The 18-month cut-off is based on when your R01/R01 A1 was reviewed by the study section.

Yes. ASH will accept either an initial R01 application or a resubmission application as the underlying basis for the application. All other aspects of the program apply regardless of whether the R01 used as a basis was an initial submission or resubmission. 

ASH will accept the summary from the original submission.

Yes. Type 2 R01s can be used as the basis for a Bridge Grant application. The Type 2 R01 must have been scored, and documentation from the NIH must be provided concerning the outcome of the R01 application.


No. The $150,000 from ASH cannot be used for indirect costs.  

The budget supplemental form is to ensure that the amount of other research funding available to the principal investigator is below the $500,000 funding threshold. It is only viewed by ASH staff as part of your eligibility and is not viewed by the study section. 

Ways to Support Hematology Research

You can make a gift online through ASH’s .

For information about providing corporate support, please contact ASH Corporate Relations at  [email protected].

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