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Access Programs for Dasatinib

Drug Company Assistance

Bristol-Myers Squibb’s  offers patient assistance support for patients requiring dasatinib. Patients and providers can also call 1-800-861-0048 between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday, to speak to a counselor about the full range of assistance options.

Uninsured patients may be eligible to receive free medication through the BMS Patient Assistance Foundation. To apply, the healthcare provider must complete the  and fax it to Access Support at 1-888-776-2370.

Patients with federally funded insurance plans are not available for copay assistance through BMS programs. There may, however, be independent organizations that provide financial help for patients requiring dasatinib. Counselors are available to direct patients to these organizations at 1-800-861-0048.

Patients with commercial insurance plans that do not cover the full cost of prescription may be eligible for the . This program may reduce out of pocket costs to as low as $25 a month. To apply, please visit the , click “Agree” under the “Privacy Statement” headline, and then fill out and submit the generated form. If you have any questions, please call 1-877-526-7334 for assistance.

Foundation Assistance

ASH has not located any foundations that specifically offer assistance for patients requiring dasatinib. If you know of a program or foundation, please contact ASH Policy and Practice Associate, Katherine Stark.
