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ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines on Immune Thrombocytopenia

of experts discussing the new guidelines.

In 2015, ASH initiated an effort to update the 2011 ASH guidelines on Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP). ASH appointed thirteen clinical experts, two methodologists and two patient representatives to review evidence and form twenty-four recommendations on ITP. The recommendations address treatment of both adult and pediatric ITP. Development of these guidelines, including systematic evidence review, was supported by the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.

Access the full guidelines on the Blood Advances website:

Learn more about the development process behind the ITP guidelines.

About the ITP Guidelines

Guideline Implementation Tools and Resources

ASH guidelines are reviewed annually by expert work groups convened by ASH. Resources derived from guidelines that require updating are removed from the ASH website.


ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines App

The ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines App provides easy access to every recommendation from all guidelines published by ASH, including rationale for each recommendation, benefits and harms associated with each recommended course of action, and links to the complete evidence-to-decision tables used to develop the recommendations. This app is also available .


ASH Pocket Guides App

The ASH Pocket Guides App includes all of ASH’s pocket guides. This app is also available .


Pocket Guides

Printed versions of pocket guides are available for order on the ASH website, and at ASH meetings throughout the year. The following pocket guide is based on the - 2019 ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of ITP:

  • Management of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)

Slide Set

Help your colleagues diagnose, manage, and treat ITP with the following teaching slide designed for easy dissemination:


Listen to the Podcasts below to learn more about ASH's ITP guidelines.