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Guidelines and Quality Care

Guideline Implementation Champions

In 2022, ASH introduced the Guideline Implementation Champions initiative, an annual recognition of practitioners who are working to implement evidence-based guideline recommendations at the point of care in their clinical settings.

Each year, three individuals are invited to present at the ASH annual meeting on successful strategies that they have developed to implement Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations in their practice, institution, or hospital system, providing clinicians, administrators, and other medical professionals with opportunities to learn about projects that might be translated to their own practices.

Meet the Guideline Implementation Champions

Learn about the ASH Guideline Implementation Champions and their projects and explore how similar initiatives can be implemented in your own institution.

Become a Guideline Implementation Champion

Apply to become an ASH Guideline Implementation Champion for an opportunity to share your success story with your peers. We are interested in projects across the spectrum of hematology, including adult and pediatric, malignant and non-malignant, transfusion and lab-based hematology. Projects must be grounded in at least one ASH Clinical Practice Guideline recommendation. We encourage you to sign up for the for examples of competitive projects.

How to Apply

Applications are encouraged from clinicians, researchers, and trainees at all levels, in both academic and community settings. Nominees are not required to be ASH members or hematologists; however, all submitted projects must address an area where a clinical practice guideline recommendation exists.

Competitive submissions will:

  • Have a measurable impact demonstrated by change data (preliminary data is acceptable)
  • Highlight if a unique change strategy was used (though successful applications may rely on existing strategies)
  • Describe if the project involved collaboration or interaction across multiple departments
  • Include details on any iterative changes that may have been necessary to achieve success, including how many iterations were needed and how adjustments were developed/implemented
  • Describe any barriers or challenges and how they were overcome

Please contact [email protected] with inquiries related to projects that highlight ASH Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations.