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Educational Programs

All Grown Up: Ensuring Effective Care Transitions in Beta-thalassemia

Planning the transition of care for patients with Beta-thalassemia (β-thalassemia) from pediatric to adult care can be challenging. New and emerging therapies have the potential to alter the futures of these patients drastically, yet guidelines are dated and clinicians are unlikely to be conversant with novel and emerging therapies.
Participate in All Grown Up: Ensuring Effective Care Transitions in Beta-thalassemia, a free education program created in partnership by ASH and The France Foundation.

The goal of this initiative is to increase understanding within the hematology field of the current and emerging therapies available for patients with β-thalassemia, and practical strategies for addressing common concerns and barriers related to transitions of care planning for pediatric patients moving into adult care. This educational program will include . Participants will use a transition of care planning tool and an engage with interactive activities, based on the virtual session content.

CME and CE credits are available!

Learning Objectives

After engaging in the education, learners will show improved abilities to:

  1. Review therapeutic options and their associated AEs for the management of β-thalassemia across the lifespan
  2. Recognize patient- and provider-level barriers in care for patients with β-thalassemia transitioning from pediatric to adult care
  3. Identify key strategies to support β-thalassemia patients moving from pediatric to adult care

Who Should Participate?

This educational activity is designed for pediatric hematologists, hematologists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses involved in the treatment of patients with β-thalassemia.

Steering Committee

Ashutosh Lal, MD (Chair)
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, UCSF School of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Comprehensive Thalassemia Center & The Iron Disorders Program
Hematology/Oncology, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital

Sioban Keel, MD
Associate Professor of Hematology
University of Washington School of Medicine

Farzana Sayani, MD
Director, Pennsylvania Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program
Director, Pennsylvania Comprehensive Adult Thalassemia Program
Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Jennifer Yu, MD
Pediatric Thalassemia Program Director
University of California, San Diego,
Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego


For questions about course content, please contact the ASH Education Department at [email protected].

For questions about accessing the course, please contact ASH Customer Service at [email protected].