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Hodgkin Lymphoma: Learning Objectives

Medical Importance

Hodgkin lymphoma is the first hematologic malignancy that was found to be curable. There are approximately 8,000 new cases of Hodgkin lymphoma per year in the US. It is most common in young adults, and the majority are cured and lead long productive lives. However, treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with long-term complications, and the internists and family physicians who follow these patients need to know about these issues. Carefully planned clinical trials that have improved cure rates and minimized short and long-term toxicity from radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma serve as a model for clinical trial strategies in other malignancies. 


  1. Describe the background features of lymph nodes involved in Hodgkin lymphoma and the morphologic features and cell derivation of the Reed-Sternberg cell.

  2. Describe the clinical features and hematologic findings associated with Hodgkin lymphoma, including the classic B symptoms.

  3. Describe the staging work-up and apply the Ann Arbor staging classification to patients with Hodgkin lymphoma.

  4. Describe short-term and long-term complications of radiation therapy, including cardiac, pulmonary, and endocrine complications, and risk of second malignancies.

  5. Describe short and long-term toxicities of modern chemotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma (ABVD).