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Awarded Institutions

Emory University School of Medicine


"We are grateful for the ASH support allowing our training program at Emory to embark in this exciting new and dedicated non-malignant hematology track. This is a single board program designed to engage the new generation of hematologists in pursuing academic careers focusing on sickle cell disease, thrombosis and hemostasis, and transfusion medicine, in an effort to build and maintain the pool of academic hematologists in our country."

Ana Antun, MD, ASH HFFTP Associate Program Director
Contact: [email protected]

"We are so excited to have been chosen by ASH as a site for the Hematology-Focused Fellowship Training Program. Our Fellowship in Atlanta, GA, offers trainees a comprehensive education in service to a racially and culturally diverse community. Our state-of-the-art comprehensive sickle cell and hemostasis and thrombosis centers, and collaborations with partner institutions offer a wealth of resources to train the next generation of non-malignant hematologists."

Martha Arellano, MD, ASH HFFTP Program Director
Contact: [email protected]

Explore the Hematology-Focused Fellowship Training Program