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Hematology-Oncology Curricular Milestones (2014)

ASH and ASCO Present Hematology-Oncology Curricular Milestones

In order to help the combined hematology/oncology fellowship programs manage the implementation of the  within the Next Accreditation System (NAS), ASH and ASCO worked together to create this complementary document: The Hematology-Oncology Curricular Milestones.

This document follows the general layout of the Reporting Milestones, but elaborates on the six core competencies and the subcompetencies that make up the IM Subspecialty Reporting Milestones by providing a hematology/oncology context for these areas. The intent of the HO Curricular Milestones is to provide a hematology and oncology framework for the IM Subspecialty Reporting Milestones. In some cases (notably, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, Professionalism, and Systems-Based Practice) the consensus of the groups was to make the subcompetency reflective of hematology/oncology, but to leave the narrative streams for the milestones the same as the Reporting Milestones.

Submitted comments were compiled and shared with the chairs of the two groups – Elaine Muchmore, MD (University of California, San Diego) for ASH and Frances Collichio, MD (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) for ASCO. You can access the webinar that was held on March 31, 2014 via’s .

FAQs for Curricular Milestones

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