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North American Undergraduate Student Benefit

The North American Undergraduate Student Benefit is a non-member benefit program open to undergraduate students in the United States, Canada, and Mexico who are interested in hematology, but not yet eligible for membership in ASH.

Please note that this is not an ASH membership category and participation in this program does not provide eligibility for programs or services where ASH membership is a requirement.


Available to all United States, Canadian, and Mexican undergraduate students who are interested in hematology

How to Apply

  • Qualifying individuals may fax or mail a completed application form and supporting documents to the Customer Service Department at ASH headquarters.
  • Those registering online for the ASH Annual Meeting as non-members in training will be invited to apply.

Verification of Status

  • Proof of eligibility in the form of a letter from the appropriate certifying office (e.g., dean of students, or other appropriate verifying office).
    • This letter must include your enrollment date and anticipated month and year of your graduation from the program.
    • Duration of the benefits period is defined by the completion of the applicant's current program and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


  • All annual meeting notices in advance, as well as lower (i.e., Non-Member in Training) registration rates.
    • This includes entry to "blue badge" trainee events
  • Complimentary online subscription to the Society's official journal 

When an individual becomes eligible for Graduate/Medical student membership in ASH, he/she will be invited to transition to that membership status. Please note that while enjoying ASH's North American Undergraduate Student Benefits, individuals may not refer to themselves as an "ASH Member" until fully transitioning to "ASH Graduate/Medical Student member" or other membership status.