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Resources for the Disability Community

Vision Services

ASH Disabilities Concierge

Leading up to the meeting and while on site in San Diego, ASH staff will check in periodically with meeting attendees on their meeting experience. In addition, if attendees need assistance during the meeting, they can contact [email protected] for anything they may need.

Hotel Rooms Near the Convention Center

ASH will hold a small number of hotel rooms close to the convention center to ensure vision-impaired attendees have the simplest path to/from the convention center and adjacent hotels for sessions and special events. Please request this option online to indicate this need when completing registration and housing arrangements.

Walking Orientation Tour

ASH staff are available upon request to provide a hands-on walking orientation tour to the ASH Campus upon arrival at the meeting, including elevator locations and tips for navigating in crowded hallways. To arrange this tour in advance, please contact the ASH Disabilities Concierge by email at [email protected] at least two weeks in advance.

Directional Companions (Escorts) in Between Session Rooms

ASH staff are available to accompany you in between sessions to help navigate the crowded hallways and to expedite getting from one location to another. Please contact the ASH Disabilities Concierge by email at [email protected] at least two weeks in advance to enroll in this service. You will be provided with a cell phone number to call when you need the companion/escort to meet you to take you to your next location.