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ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition

Meet The Scientist Sessions

These ticketed sessions will provide an opportunity for a small number of attendees to meet with a scientific expert in a setting that fosters interaction and are available to in-person attendees only. Attendees can expect to interact with experts in informal scientific discussions, allowing participants to present their questions and gain new perspectives.

Tickets are restricted to medical professionals only and will be available on site on a first-come, first-served basis; no businesspersons or media will be admitted. Only one ticket per person is allowed. Tickets may be purchased on site during registration hours beginning Thursday, December 5, at the Ticketed Sessions Counter in the San Diego Convention Center, Ballroom 20 Foyer.

Ticket Prices (per session)

 Active or International Members and Non-Members $75
Associate, International Associate, Resident, Graduate/Medical Student, Non-Member in Training, Allied Health Professional, or Honorary/Emeritus Members $50

Attention Trainees!

A limited number of tickets for these sessions will be reserved for trainees. Proof of status as an Associate, International Associate, Resident, or Graduate/Medical Student Member, or Non-Member in Training will be required to purchase a ticket at the discounted rate.

Meet the Scientist: CAR-T and CAR-NK in Therapy of Hematologic Malignancies (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: Epigenetic Regulation in Bone Marrow Failure (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: Microenvironment Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: Pluripotent Stem Cell-Based Modeling of Hematologic Malignancies (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: Production of Functional Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Pluripotent Cells (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: Therapy-Related Myeloid Neoplasms (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: Transferrin Receptor Physiology and Iron Metabolism (Ticketed session for in-person participants)

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Meet the Scientist: What Does the Future Hold for Management of Hemophilia? (Ticketed session for in-person participants)