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International Associate Membership

You are eligible to apply for International Associate membership if you reside outside of Canada, Mexico, and the United States and:

  • are a post-doctoral fellow with an MD or equivalent medical degree and are enrolled in an approved hematology or oncology training program or medical school, or
  • are a student with a PhD or equivalent degree and are in a post-doctoral position or training program in a hematology- or hematology/oncology-related field.

Annual dues: $55 (must be paid at the time of application)

Become a member

Already a member? to access your benefits. 

Benefits of International Associate Membership

  • Blood (online only*), including access to its mobile app
  • Hematology, the ASH Education Program
  • The Hematologist: ASH News and Reports (online only*)
  • ASH Clinical News (online only*)
  • ASH NewsLink, a monthly electronic newsletter
  • discount on registration
  • access to member-only registration and priority hotels before registration opens to the general public
  • eligibility to submit or sponsor abstracts
  • registration discounts on the Society’s other educational and scientific meetings
  • discounts on ASH meeting webcasts and other educational products
  • discount on the ASH Self-Assessment Program (ASH-SAP)
  • apply for ASH awards, grants, and training programs
  • serve on ASH Trainee Council and select ASH committees
  • access ASH’s online 

*International members receive online-only subscriptions to Blood and ASH Clinical News. If you are interested in receiving a print subscription to Blood, there is an annual postage surcharge of $100.

Key Dates and Deadlines

ASH membership is from January 1 to December 31. Membership dues are paid annually and cover the calendar year.

ASH International Associate membership applications are considered on a rolling basis. However, please note that it takes 2-3 weeks to process these applications.

How to Apply

You will need the following information to complete your application:

  • Academic history
  • Work experience
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter from your training program director certifying that you are a post-doctoral fellow or trainee, indicating the type of program, and specifying the expected completion date

To apply by email, fax, or mail, please complete the International Associate membership application and submit it to ASH Customer Service using one of the methods listed below.

Email[email protected]

Fax: 202-292-0250

ASH Membership
PO Box 251
Annapolis Junction, MD 02701

Membership Renewals

For members with more than two years of unpaid dues, active membership status can be restored upon payment of two years of past dues plus current year’s dues. Only the paid membership years will be counted towards the Emeritus eligibility. These dues can be paid by visiting the or by re-applying for membership according to the schedule above.

For International Associate members in their last year of post-doctoral fellowship, their member category will transition to International membership the following year. Their dues will increase accordingly and are due December 31 of their last year of International Associate membership.

To discuss your renewal options, please contact Customer Service.

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  • Global Initiatives

    ASH provides a wide array of educational opportunities to hematologists in research and practice around the world.

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Take the First Step

Interested in applying for membership, but unsure if you're eligible? Take the first step and let us know how we can help.

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